He lives long who enjoys life and bears no jealousy of others

I was never in a hurry in my life.He lives long who enjoys life and bears no jealousy of others, whose heart harbors no malice or anger, who sings a lot and cries a little, who rises and retires with the sun, who likes to work, and who knows how to rest.

Healing does not necessarily mean to become physically well

Healing does not necessarily mean to become physically well or to be able to get up and walk around again.Rather, it means achieving a balance between the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions. . . .At the end of their lives [five-year-old children with leukemia] they have little or no pain.They are emotionally sound, and on an intellectual level they can share things it is almost impossible to believe could come from a child.To me this is a healing, although they are not well from our earthly point of view.

Healing is more than eliminating disease symptoms

Healing is more than eliminating disease symptoms; it is a process of achieving wholeness, alignment, and integration that encompasses every level of our being.Healing encourages self-awareness and enables us to express our unique potential more fully in our work, study, and relationships with ourselves and others.The healing journey not only helps us connect to our own inner rhythms, but also brings us closer to our spiritual nature and the world around us.

October 2000 (Vol. XIII, No. 9)

AUTUMN GREETINGS, dear friends. May blessings of deep inner silence and peace be with you. For in this inner stillness, the Spirit of Love anoint th soul, and, in silene, our deepest wounds can receive the oil of healing.

In the fullness of silence
healing is greatly enhanced.

~ Anonymous
Anonymous healing

The world without tears is a heartless world. The soul that sheds no tears is a soul without love. O God, save us from turning into statues of tearlessness! This must be our prayer. Tears are signs of life; they bring life back to the world. Tears well out of the heart of love; they restore to the human community the ability to love. Tears take form in cries and struggles for justice; they revive the soul of our century for a promise and a future. And it is in the people capable of tears that a promise of human community and a future for the world lie.

~ from THE TEARS OF LADY MENG by C. S. Song
C. S. Song The Tears Of Lady Meng healing Buy on Amazon

The world without tears is a heartless world

The world without tears is a heartless world. The soul that sheds no tears is a soul without love. O God, save us from turning into statues of tearlessness! This must be our prayer. Tears are signs of life; they bring life back to the world. Tears well out of the heart of love; they restore to the human community the ability to love. Tears take form in cries and struggles for justice; they revive the soul of our century for a promise and a future. And it is in the people capable of tears that a promise of human community and a future for the world lie.
