Eagle medicine

"Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine. It is the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of Earth. Eagle soars, and is quick to observe expansiveness within the overall pattern of life. From the heights of the clouds, Eagle is close to the heavens where the Great Spirit dwells."

The Sabbath

We must conquer space in order to sanctify time. All week long we are called upon to sanctify life through employing things of space. On the Sabbath, it is given us to share in the holiness that is in the heart of time. Even when the soul is seared, even when no prayer can come out of our tightened throats, the clean, silent rest of the Sabbath leads us to a realm of endless peace, or to the beginning of an awareness of what eternity means. There are a few ideas in the world of thought which contain so much spiritual power as the idea of the Sabbath. Aeons hence, when of our many cherished theories only shreds will remain, that cosmic tapestry will continue to shine. Eternity utters a day.

The inner self is as secret as God

The inner self is as secret as God and, like God, it evades every concept that tries to seize hold of it with full possession. It is a life that cannot be held and studied as object, because it is not "a thing". It is not reached and coaxed forth from hiding by any process under the sun, including meditation. All that we can do with any spiritual discipline is produce within ourselves something of the silence, the humility, the detachment, the purity of heart and the indifference which are required if the inner self is to make some shy, unpredictable manifestation of presence.

Humility is indeed a basic spiritual virtue

Humility is indeed a basic spiritual virtue. It comes to us when we do not know how to proceed, when all previous teachings and certainties have been found to be unavailing. When we are in the suffocation darkness of our own hell, we are suddenly confronted by a light of radiance that illuminates our total situation. We at once accept its glow and loving warmth with relief; but as it leads us on to the fuller light, it makes demands on us. It requires nothing less than a complete change of heart, so that we may take up the darkness of the world around us in the light that had so recently lightened our own darkness ... As our depths are illuminated, so we take our place in the light of God. It is then that we know the meaning of love ... and then, it radiates to the entire cosmos as a beam of the love of God. The light of God in this way releases the love that is native to the soul but usually imprisoned in it ...

A person emptier than myself will come along

When Mother Teresa was asked what would happen to her congregation after she had gone, she is said to have responded:

"A person emptier than myself will come along."

The implication here is that the greatness of a person lies in the depth of his or her own self-emptying. Another implication is that what is emptied of oneself will be filled with the self of God. Poverty as a chosen life-style is precisely this:

"To empty oneself of all that one is and has so that all will be at the disposal of the Lord."

If we would return to God

If we would return to God, and find ourselves in God, we must reverse Adam and Eve's journey, we must go back by the way they came. The path lies through the center of our own soul. Adam and Eve withdrew into themselves from God and then passed through themselves and went forth into creation. We must withdraw ourselves from exterior things, and pass through the center of our souls to find God. We must recover possession of our true selves by liberation from anxiety and fear and inordinate desire.

A prophet is a mystic in action

Mysticism is about being-with-being: being-with-being in silence, in experience, in awe, in connection making, in non-dualism, and also about being with suffering beings, with the victims of self-hate and oppression.

A prophet is a mystic in action.

April1990 (Vol. III, No. 4)

BLESSINGS to all Friends of Silence in this season of awakening growth, budding trees, rebirth, resurrection. In native American spirituality, Spring is a time of preparation to grow in the proper way toward illumination, wisdom and enlightenment ... a time to ready ourselves to soar as eagles!

"Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine. It is the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of Earth. Eagle soars, and is quick to observe expansiveness within the overall pattern of life. From the heights of the clouds, Eagle is close to the heavens where the Great Spirit dwells."

~ from MEDICINE CARDS by Jamie Sams & David Carson
David Carson, Jamie Sams Medicine Cards humility Buy on Amazon

We must conquer space in order to sanctify time. All week long we are called upon to sanctify life through employing things of space. On the Sabbath, it is given us to share in the holiness that is in the heart of time. Even when the soul is seared, even when no prayer can come out of our tightened throats, the clean, silent rest of the Sabbath leads us to a realm of endless peace, or to the beginning of an awareness of what eternity means. There are a few ideas in the world of thought which contain so much spiritual power as the idea of the Sabbath. Aeons hence, when of our many cherished theories only shreds will remain, that cosmic tapestry will continue to shine. Eternity utters a day.

~ from THE SABBATH by Abraham Joshua Heschel
Abraham Joshua Heschel The Sabbath humility Buy on Amazon

The inner self is as secret as God and, like God, it evades every concept that tries to seize hold of it with full possession. It is a life that cannot be held and studied as object, because it is not "a thing". It is not reached and coaxed forth from hiding by any process under the sun, including meditation. All that we can do with any spiritual discipline is produce within ourselves something of the silence, the humility, the detachment, the purity of heart and the indifference which are required if the inner self is to make some shy, unpredictable manifestation of presence.

~ from MERTON'S PALACE OF NOWHERE by James Finley
James Finley Merton's Palace Of Nowhere humility Buy on Amazon

Humility is indeed a basic spiritual virtue. It comes to us when we do not know how to proceed, when all previous teachings and certainties have been found to be unavailing. When we are in the suffocation darkness of our own hell, we are suddenly confronted by a light of radiance that illuminates our total situation. We at once accept its glow and loving warmth with relief; but as it leads us on to the fuller light, it makes demands on us. It requires nothing less than a complete change of heart, so that we may take up the darkness of the world around us in the light that had so recently lightened our own darkness ... As our depths are illuminated, so we take our place in the light of God. It is then that we know the meaning of love ... and then, it radiates to the entire cosmos as a beam of the love of God. The light of God in this way releases the love that is native to the soul but usually imprisoned in it ... To learn this love, not merely intellectually, but also in experience, is the object of all life.

~ from THE DARK FACE OF REALITY by Martin Israel
Martin Israel The Dark Face Of Reality humility Buy on Amazon

When Mother Teresa was asked what would happen to her congregation after she had gone, she is said to have responded:

"A person emptier than myself will come along."

The implication here is that the greatness of a person lies in the depth of his or her own self-emptying. Another implication is that what is emptied of oneself will be filled with the self of God. Poverty as a chosen life-style is precisely this:

"To empty oneself of all that one is and has so that all will be at the disposal of the Lord."

~ from CALL TO INTEGRATION by Vadakethala Vineeth
Vadakethala Vineeth Call To Integration humility Buy on Amazon

If we would return to God, and find ourselves in God, we must reverse Adam and Eve's journey, we must go back by the way they came. The path lies through the center of our own soul. Adam and Eve withdrew into themselves from God and then passed through themselves and went forth into creation. We must withdraw ourselves from exterior things, and pass through the center of our souls to find God. We must recover possession of our true selves by liberation from anxiety and fear and inordinate desire.

~ from THE NEW MAN by Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton The New Man humility Buy on Amazon

Mysticism is about being-with-being: being-with-being in silence, in experience, in awe, in connection making, in non-dualism, and also about being with suffering beings, with the victims of self-hate and oppression.

A prophet is a mystic in action.

~ from THE COSMIC CHRIST by Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox Coming Of The Cosmic Christ humility Buy on Amazon

Come, Lord! Do not smile and say you are already with us. Millions do not know you and to us who do, what is the difference? What is the point of your presence if our lives do no alter? Change our lives, shatter our complacency. Make your word flesh of our flesh, blood of our blood and our life's purpose. Take away the quietness of a clear conscience. Press us uncomfortably. For only thus that other peace is made, your peace.

~ Dom Helder Camara
Dom Helder Camara humility Buy on Amazon

Come, Lord!

Come, Lord! Do not smile and say you are already with us. Millions do not know you and to us who do, what is the difference? What is the point of your presence if our lives do no alter? Change our lives, shatter our complacency. Make your word flesh of our flesh, blood of our blood and our life's purpose. Take away the quietness of a clear conscience. Press us uncomfortably. For only thus that other peace is made, your peace.
