I walk in a cloud of angels

I walk in a cloud of angels
I move encircled by light and glowing faces...
stricken by music too sublime to bear.

When I have gazed into a tidal pool

When I have gazed into a tidal pool
And seen the texture exquisite of stone,
Of life and plant, deep in the lucid cool,
It seems no greater wonder could be known.
Yet there's a cleanness I have known in dreams --
In those rare dreams that are like blessed wine --
A pure transparency wherein it seems
Is traced the form of the Creator's line.
Distinct and clear appears each one and thing,
And every grain of sand, as though I see
Through unseen water; and the angels sing
An unheard tone from heaven's melody.

So wonder grows to crystal-cut lucidity
Defining the great pattern of eternity.

December 1998 (Vol. XI, No. 11)

BLESSINGS and EVERY GOOD WISH this season of silent nights and holy days ... an apt time to be mindful of the angelic realms and to reconize Earth angels in our midst as well.
